Learn the incredible Nostradamus 16th-century method offered by Britt Luneborg. If you are afraid of mathematics or the complicated astrology as practiced today, Guess what?There is no complicated maths involved in classes. Give yourself the chance of a lifetime in learning real astrology. Use the same tools used by Nostradamus. This is a 7- week intensive course (3 hours per class). There are examination- 75% correct answer is minimum to earn your diploma. This course is also available by mail with DVD. Email me- bluneborg@gmail.com
Astro-Tarot Course: (4 weeks)Learn to read the card correctly using French Astro-Tarot Table, you will be more accurate in your reading than the most renowned psychic you know. Understand how to tap the supraconscious time and space for impressive guidance. Using Divine Astrology method, learn to interpret the real value behind the symbolic power of Tarot De Marseille cards, This course is a follow up of Divine Astrology and can only be done with the full knowledge of the stars. Email me- bluneborg@gmail.com
Private Party: Get a few friend together for a birthday party. Within the private of your home, throw own Astro-Tarot party. I fly all over the country doing this kind of party. The owner of the house and the birthday person will receive a full treatment and Starguide for free. Email me- bluneborg@gmail.com
The US and the Fate of the World / 2021 Dragon Predictions – Zoom webinar – July 25, 2020
Sedona, AZ in Sedona Creative Life Center –on Oct 20-22, 2017
Lectures, Workshops and Slide Presentation Topic:
UFO / Astrology and God Cosmic Consciousness
Gallaudet University in Washington DC- December 1, 2011
Lectures, Workshops and Slide Presentation Topic:
Cosmic God, Astro-theology, Cosmic Code Studies with Ancient art
Sedona, Arizona – Kings Ransom Sedona Hotel – October 10, 2011
Lectures, Workshops and Slide Presentation Topic:
Lost of Secret via Universal Code and NASA Masquerade
If you have a place out of state to suggest that can hold up at least 20-30 people, let me know and you’ll get the lecture for free- Email me- bluneborg@gmail.com
Gallaudet University, National Technical Institute for the Deaf: RIT, California State University, Northridge Are You Listening?
Please invite me in your Astromony, Science or Psycholgy class! I will be happy to give lecture about this many subjects of past life and soul of the cosmos and also using Medical Astrology for your cosmic knowledge for future!