‘Supermoon’ Total Lunar Eclipse in Aries

Nice animation video to watch but lack of translate the universal hieroglyphs at work!

This ‘Supermoon’ Total Lunar Eclipse on the Dragon’s Tail will affect both the aggressive and firepower sign of Aries (conjunct Uranus) is seriously urging us to take inspired action / to stand up and be seen/heard for our opinions in relation to what is going on in our world but without cosmic consciousness, lead to expect more disturbing developments with the Middle East and more accident on the road often end up in hospital (and also Mercury retrograde about to induce all sorts of accidents!) Because Aries rules very impulsive and usually do not think before they act.

Astronomers and skywatchers are looking forward to the event this weekend but never offer this cosmic phenomenon in translate at work. Others religiously poisoned see it as a signal of the apocalypse. Without the Cosmic Consciousness, we would be back in the dark ages so enough already, I am sickened to the point of it being both ridiculous apocalypse prophecies and doomsday forecasts which it comes from religious people talking heads.

Learn more lunar eclipse cosmic phenomenon with a strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny is a very benefits of a safe, healthy and productive to regenerate your spirit. This is a only translate the universal hieroglyphs with all the wisdom in the past (disappeared civilizations knew how) to communicating, pay attention to; take notice of God’s cosmic sign that identified celestial objects with gods, spirits and divine.

Total Lunar Eclipse in Aries — 09/27/2015:  Controlled by the planet Mars, always will be tough for many people, indeed Mars is very strong cosmic wind these days and will bring about serious hostile or argumentative meeting or situation between opposing parties, explosions, fires and the possibility of war. Don’t be victim by Man’s most destructive power.  With next shift Dragon Tail in Pisces ’s religious and expect more disturbing developments with the Middle East. These will be negative, pertaining to oil spills, explosions and more ISIS terrorist activities in the near future. Be ready for devastating forces producing destructive weather and flooding in different parts of the world. Do not lose faith in the solar eclipse cosmic phenomenon, as we all must go on. The stars are a reflection of God and his divine plan for all of us and we must go through it.

Crazy Scenes in Brazil as Referee Pulls Out a Gun on the Pitch

Wife of Dolphins’ Brent Grimes arrested before game after allegedly headbutting a police officer

Bryce Harper and Jonathan Papelbon Exchange Words, Brawl in Dugout

LL Cool J’s son, Najee Smith, arrested after restaurant fight …


Referee, Wife of Dolphin, Harper and Papelbon, LL Cool J’s son cursed by their personal negative cosmic biorhythms. They are totally unaware and unable to make sense to this “act of God” or Lunar Eclipse in Aries (anger/guns/brawl/headbutting) not knowing “There are NO accidents” but, only cosmic circumstances at work science and humanity are not yet able to assimilate and use at their advantage… but Ignore the power of moon and pay the penalty.

“Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they understand the voice of heaven.” – Matthew 13.13

Christian and Muslim Perspectives and Cosmic God Perspectives

Russian fighter jets enter Syria with transponders off

Is Russia preparing to move troops to 2 new Syria bases?

Russia may be preparing to station troops at two new sites in Syria as it continues its rapid military buildup in the conflict-ravaged nation, a research firm says.

There is a obviously FULL restructure of the Middle East is reflected to Neptune Dragon at work!

At the first, February 26 2014 – Pervious Universal Dragon Aries/Libra ongoing. Vladimir Putin (born in October – Libra) invade Ukraine as face the world as Aries (7th house of the public / known enemies / partners / opponents / others), ruthless and invasive and directly prepare for total war with Ukraine. Aries rules fighting spirit war and aggression.

As of September 2015 – Next Shift Universal Dragon Pisces/Virgo ongoing Russia has stepped up its military presence in Syria. Vladimir Putin born in October – Libra, this mean be prepared for important and deadly news involving the *****Middle East****** in his 6th house of work / health / service to the Middle East (Iraq agrees to share intelligence with Russia, Iran and Syria) Interesting note Russian President Vladimir Putin described as Europe’s largest mosque, a soaring and stunning piece of religious architecture- Huge mosque opens in Moscow– Indeed the effect of Neptunius Dragon at work!

Next Shift Universal Pisces/Virgo ongoing with religious war in Middle East 2015-2017 is the main to fight against ISIS militants and other religious terrorists groups. Pisces rules the Middle East is a description of a region centered on Western Asia and Egypt (including Europe and US because of Muslim population in a country ) Vladimir Putin is rich, rowerful, influential but cosmic unconscious is a dangerously move….I hope he did a right thing

Mike Huckabee: Obama pretends to be a Christian

Next Shift Universal Pisces/Virgo ongoing with religious war against each other. Mike Huckabee challenges Obama’s faith. He indeed old fashioned hard core conservative preacher. He only believes what he thinks and says. He pretends to be a Christian but he’s really pretends to act human being and a bigot who picks and chooses which parts of “religion” he wants to follow.

Mike Huckabee born with Dragon Head in Sagittarius, of course, could not to use his own critical thinking like a codification of thoughts (by following the books/bible), spent a LOT of time criticizing President Obama when he do not know anything about himself and Soul of the Cosmos / God’s Divine Nature.

Mike Huckabee to visit Kentucky clerk Kim Davis, Mike Huckster raising their arms in victory when they’ve won nothing but being deceived themselves. Their religious beliefs is a serious wake up call. isn’t worth to hiring the person who has a strong religious belief?Neptunius Dragon rules the deceptive religions is ruled by Pisces and they don’t realized

that experience stimulated by dying age of pisces is now awakens new cosmic vibrations (the marriage equality passed in all 50 states) that demand give new room for humanitarian freedom oriented Age of Aquarius in now processing… Thanks to President Obama’s humanitarian Aquarius Dragon. Read more about Kim Davis’s the stars and fate- The Astrology of Kentucky clerk Kim Davis.

Ben Carson: US shouldn’t elect a Muslim president

Muslim-American group calls on Ben Carson to drop out

This is another religions war theme to against each other over the faith. Ben Carson born September 18, 1951) He born critical, religious conservative such as purification / cleansing as cold calculated critical sign of Virgo or the Virgin Mary and its purity principle. he can not auto analyze himself properly. Note He is a Virgo, facing the world as Pisces

(religiously poisoned message out of his mouth)- This is how the currently Neptunain Dragon effect Ben Carson’s psyche. His messages indeed non cosmic conscious, religiously poisoned have no clue what he talking about. He did not offering them the right option to exit the religion to reconnect to Soul of the Cosmos but his true limited

rational subhuman young soul cant not help himself therefore he can not lead you a better life. Note Kentucky clerk Kim Davis and Ben Carson same the share the month of September – cold calculated critical sign of Virgo. Both lost misguided, gullible non cosmic conscious subhumans manipulated by abusive power greedy church corporation.

Donald Trump: ‘God is the ultimate’

Bible in hand, Trump makes pitch to religious voters

With Trump (Sun conjunct Uranus in Gemini) dominating news and social media than any of the other Republican candidates but his opposite sign is direct to Dragon Tail in Sagittarius (wild horse / reckless / tactless / self-righteous) tends to be outspoken and bring up the religion subject, like you see the bible in his hand. This is a real tragedy for

America young misinformed and misguided by political television shows such as Donald Trump can not help himself not anyone else, only the gullible Neptunians mass victimised by the “Trump” media. Using the supraconsciousness in properly so You will earn good, productive in spiritually emotionally and stablittlly. You don’t have to follow

cosmic unconsciousness Donald Trump’s history of suggesting Obama is a Muslim unless you building new cosmic consciousness in order to freedom yourself from your religious belief or political. Remembered, Knowledge is power. Ignorance is evil.

Do Not Confuse Astrology and Astronomy

The stars are the elixir(medicinal purposes) of life! Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.’- Albert Einstein

Do not confuse Astrology and Astronomy. Don’t let Astronomer speak for you. Like NASA, current Astronomers, Astrophysicists and Cosmologist both cosmic non consciousness and never understand or study the star divination but sees the stars as dead rocks (spiritless) and consider it a pseudoscience. Do not expect from them to do much good for humanity from their incredible answers.

Astronomers will tell you all about how the movement of the stars, position in the solar system, size, color, motion of the planets, composition, supernovae explosions, gamma ray bursts, and evolution of celestial objects. This is a subject focus on physical cosmology, is concerned with “dark matter” studying the universe as a whole.

Astrologers will tell you all about how the direct relationship of the human psyche to its interaction with Universal Mind or God’s cosmic divinity (solar system) including explain aspects of a person’s cosmic personality and predict future events in their life based on the positions of the sun, moon, and Dragon Head / Tail resides at the time of their birth.


The planets at Nicholson Hall at Louisiana State University (home of the school’s astronomy department and the Landolt Astronomical Observatory)…So now you see the artworks of Astrological Symbols (or glyphs) indeed belong to Science of Astrology, not Astronomy. Yes, it’s stolen their artworks. My question is Why it put on the wall at the Landolt Astronomical Observatory and know nothing about astrological values? Think about it….

Indeed History of Astronomy must acknowledge / recognized that Astronomy is a by product of a much older “pseudo-science” called Astrology. It’s only translate the universal hieroglyphs with all the wisdom in the past (disappeared civilizations knew how) to communicating, pay attention to; take notice of God’s cosmic sign that identified celestial objects with gods, spirits and divine. They related these objects (and their movements) to

phenomena such as rain,drought, seasons, and tides. It is mostly confirmed that the first “professional” astrologers were priests, and that their understanding of the “heavens” was seen as “divine”, hence lost wisdom of all the wise man’s ancient connections to what is now called astrology.

Sad enough, All the current scientists, skeptics, astronomers, astrophysicists are a cosmic non consciousness. They are more concerned on Mars ridiculous missions than focus here on the earth where the cop killings dramatics results are quite depressing, with the chaos experienced on on many circumstances. Even more dramatic increase in racism, sexism,

homophobia, Islamophobia, online hate speech, sexual assault cannot yet solve it by “educated” scientists who depend on atheism and financial support to survive or save their face! Realized that children must reconnect with essence of God’s divine nature to add to a science who lost the spiritual essence. It bring us more spiritual regeneration and

more rebuilding self-esteem. By learning Nostradamus’s Divine Astrology or Astropsychology, every child should have a chance to learn his ancient practice that lead to finally reconnect the cosmic truth (God Cosmic Divinity / Divine Cosmos / Soul of the Cosmos / God’s Divine Nature ) It’s must to restore to a whole again in our college

and universities in order to learn more about essence of God’s divine nature in the stars, but Hard core, old fashioned, mathematically oriented modern astrologer may not be able to enter the power of visionary / prophecy / intuition but more focus on the details such as risings, aspects, deal with numbers, trines, sextile, degrees, solar return, saturn returns but

too much mathematical practices involved at work that reflect to individual’s cosmic identify – very strong Mercury location (learning process power) may reside in an earth sign, such as Capricorn, Virgo or Taurus or natal Tail of the dragon might also reside in an earth sign, making visionary a little more difficult for you catch up the eternal

Superconscious in time and space. Keep in mind, Astrology is an art, visionary, creativity, prophecy and power of intuition which it allow us to translate the universal hieroglyphs through the communicating, pay attention to; take notice of God’s cosmic sign. You must born with extremely advanced cosmic identify are set to naturally communication with the universe with the spirit.

The Astrology of Kentucky clerk Kim Davis

Kim Davis stands firm on same-sex marriage; the Kentucky clerk stays in jail

More North Carolina officials refuse to perform marriages

“Because they are seeing, they see not; and hearing, they hear not; neither do they understand the voice of heaven.” – Matthew 13.13

Kentucky clerk Kim Davis continues to refuse same-sex marriage licenses. Guess what? County Clerk Kim Davis, who’s been married 4 times, is still refusing licenses to same-sex couples in Kentucky. She’s a hypocrite but mostly, non cosmic conscious and no clue

what’s she doing to others in the public. She got knocked up during her first marriage by her future third husband. Divorced him. Married and divorced two more. Now she’s married to her fourth.

Using the science of Astropsychology, let’s expose her cosmic identify to help everyone who don’t posses cosmic conscious, outsides of what the controlling media don’t want you to know. Currently Neptunius Dragon is still with us. It is confusing, illusion, lying,

secrecy, deviousness and deception and forces all to the religious sects and hidden affairs while this deadly / deceptive cosmic wind brings more and more disgusting news and terrible deadly acts. Kimberly Bailey Davis (born September 17, 1965) She born with

critical, religious conservative such as purification / cleansing as cold calculated critical sign of Virgo or the Virgin Mary and its purity principle. She can not auto analyze herself properly through Astropsychology in order to find out why she continue to refuse same-sex

marriage licenses. Kim Davis is a Virgo, facing the world as Pisces, it is in the 7th house (relationships / the public / known enemies) of all those born in September, making them natural born religious conservative such as purification. Her Saturn (fear principle) in

Pisces (religion) She must be very self-sacrificing for her religions. What’s more She born in Dragon Tail in Sagittarius (the eternal student/bible/codification of thought). She invokes “God’s authority” in fight against gay marriage. Interesting note, Donald Trump and Kim

Davis both same share the Dragon Tail in Sagittarius, that’s why Kim said, ‘This is a fight worth fighting’. She won’t change her mind, her views or her beliefs such as blunt spoken.

On his campaign website, Huckabee posted a “Free Kim Davis” petition and demanded “we must end the criminalization of Christianity!” – has divided the 2016 Republican presidential field — pitting social conservatives championing her cause against others who suggest she’s gone too far.

Kentucky clerk Kim Davis will bring a bad news in her public image during Dragon Tail in Pisces (religious war). She is Virgo, facing the world as a Pisces may lead more religions war via church to willing to fight for her- Faith under fire: Hundreds rally for Kentucky clerk

That’s why every parent must know children’s cosmic identity in order to help stop or prevent the situation than becoming a nightmare.

Traditionally educated neuroscientists, psychologists, psychiatrists or atheist and society at large are COSMIC UNCONSCIOUS, thus unable to explain why Kentucky clerk Kim Davis continues to refuse same-sex marriage licenses.

Moon  11Gem41  (10) She born with a Gemini (communication and movement) moon (emotions) on her 10th house (authority / reputation) there is no doubting she’s rather to solve your problems in the fastest, most clever way she can manage, not yours but when she judging others through her own rational 5 limited human senses. When in a relationship, she is loyal and loving, but her problem is that she may be attracted to physically may not stimulate her intellectually which lead married 4 times. Gemini rules duality and double life.

Mercury  15Vir38  (1)  Mercury rules mind / mental processing in detail oriented sign of Virgo. She’s good at organizing, planning and taking care of business but non cosmic conscious and no clue what’s she doing to others in the public. She’s detail oriented that she never enter nor perceive of the big picture (universal mind /supraconsciousness )

Venus  04Sco19  (3)  Venus rules love and friendship in her 3rd house her mental process is Scorpio, drama, death, sex, secret and police force that’s explain why she’s married to her fourth.

Mars   18Sco21  (3)   In her 3rd house her mental process is Scorpio, drama, death, sex, secret and police force. Mars rules aggressive, fighting and warrior for her views or her beliefs.

Jupiter  29Gem40  (10)  Jupiter rules higher education and the codification of thoughts (religious books) while Gemini rules the drive to versatility and adaptability her views on world religions. She’s still student of academic study of religion.

Saturn  12Pis59  (7) She must be very self-sacrificing for her religions in 7th house of the public if she decide to swim downstream, she will never enter nor perceive of the big picture (universal mind /supraconsciousness ) She don’t realized that She was made at the image of God(stars / supraconsciousness).

Uranus  15Vir49  (1) Uranus rules original, with a strong scientific while Virgo /health/ work / service is steady, traditional, details oriented. This celestial vibrate dictate a strong service for use of computer technology by Church Business.

Neptune  17Sco53  (3) Neptune (religions / jail ) rules Kim Davis 3rd house of mind processing and communication. Scorpio rules secret / drama / police where organization and investigate must rule. Thus there is no wonder why this deceptive planet lead her to a jail for refusing licenses to same-sex couples in Kentucky.

Pluto     16Vir25  (1) Pluto (power) in 1st house of self image in a critical, religious conservative such as purification / cleansing as cold calculated critical sign of Virgo.

MNNode     08Gem14  (10) Gemini rules a lot of stimulation to keep her interest, communication and movement.
MSNode     08Sag14  (4) Sagittarius rules the eternal student/bible/codification of thought. She invokes “God’s authority” in fight against gay marriage. Interesting note, Donald Trump and Kim Davis both same share the Dragon Tail in Sagittarius, that’s why Kim said, ‘This is a fight worth fighting’. She won’t change her mind, her views or her beliefs such as blunt spoken.

BlackMoon   08Aqu08  (6) She doesn’t give a damn for other people’s opinions- a weird, eccentric unusual, freedom Aquarius disastrous change and instability. Attract to wrong friends (church / religions)

MONTHS OF CHAOS AND CAUTION March and September 2015/2016

Thousands of jubilant migrants arrive in Austria from Hungary

Deceptive religious Age of Pisces was dying and being replaced by the humanitarian technological Age of Aquarius. The Middle East is ruled by Pisces and must survive/experience a total very painful restructure.

Muslim flight attendant says she was suspended for refusing to serve alcohol

Neptunius Dragon rules the Middle East / deceptive religions / alcohol / drugs / water / ocean is ruled by Pisces and exposed/experience by suspended for refusing to serve alcohol and Kim Davis do the same. Life is constant processing for change due to new Neptunius Dragon will impact to all deceptive religions to the damage of religions upon humanity – Job Loss & Unemployment Stress because of her religious beliefs is a serious wake up call. isn’t worth to hiring the person who has a strong religious belief?

Using the supraconsciousness in properly so You will earn good, productive in spiritually emotionally and stablittlly. You dont have to like her unless you building new cosmic consciouness in order to freedom yourself from your religious belief. Remembered, Knowledge is power. Ignorance is evil.