CDC scientist found dead in Atlanta after mysterious … – USA Today
From the start, Cunningham’s disappearance was mysterious and spurred conspiracy theories. Even physicians, scientist or police can not find any clue why physicians disappearance after told co-workers he was expecting a promotion and was disappointed when he was ignored or to not give attention to him or something over for it. And the one thing Police still doesn’t understand is how Cunningham ended up in the river.
In the name of ignorance, Modern science is not reliable science to solve the mystery of missing CDC doctor, is a serious challenge to them. you will not solve the problems of the world from the same level of thinking and easy ridicule the spiritual values is tragedy of missing the essence of what it means to be human. The more you challenge yourself at work, the more you learn and grow so Using Astro forensics I will explain in great detail how the natal Dragon delivered its awful consequences and how it targeted Timothy Cunnignham’s fate to find out why and how he ended up in the river.
Timothy Cunningham born on 12/21/1982
Sun 29Sag18 (1) (self) His soul purpose throw his arrows in the Universal Mind and explore the secret of the stars without according God in a man made building, way of life or doctrine, is a serious challenge to him. Sad enough, he never taught the spiritual values of those stars will give an answer to him about how God speak through the signs via his cosmic identifies and rising towards his Divinity. Indeed infested educational system is designed to kill curiosity or crushing creativity something he don’t understand since ever..
Moon 05Pis33 (4) (home) The 4th house is ruled by the Moon (emotion response) and the sign of Cancer. He’s deeply close ties his family. Pisces rules compassion and sensitive. On a negative note, Pisces rules also chemicals; drugs, hospitals, mental institutions, jail. Pisces * self-illusive, Cunningham had a natural desire to escape reality and stay in his own world.
Last year, Neptunian Dragon make a deadly news involving the Middle East, Oil, religions, ocean, water, poisoning such as deadly virus that impacted Cunningham, a commander in the Public Health Service who responded to public health emergencies including the Ebola virus and the Zika virus, he was disappeared on Feb. 12 (negative waning moon in depressed sign of Capricorn) after he said he was sick and left his Atlanta office.
“We may never be able to tell you how he got into the river,” Maj. Michael O’Connor of the Atlanta Police told reporters today. It’s not clear where Cunningham entered the river, which had been previously searched, officials said. Using Astro forensics to solve the mysterious case of CDC employee missing for 2 weeks by identifies the secret of stars, clearly, Pisces rules subconscious and water something he want to suicidal drowning peaceful in a river.
Mercury 16Cap14 (2) (money/self-esteem) Mercury rules mental processing in scientific logic and structure/order sign of Capricorn. His reaction to any information is easily skeptic or too easily reject what not having any serious purpose or spiritual value. 2018 Transiting Mars (angry/aggressive) in Capricorn stimulated Mercury (mind) lead to quick decisions in the heat of the moment. Missing CDC employee didn’t get the promotion he wanted before he vanished: Police
Venus 10Cap53 (2) (money/self-esteem) The planet Venus make his self-
Mars 08Aqu46 (3) (mind) Mars (war/aggressive) in 3rd house of mind. Aquarius rules intelligence that apply knowledge and skills the scientific practices and methods, critical thinking, and reasoning skills used by CDC disease detectives. In this case, impatience in everyday interactions at work. Hostile or impulsivity affects communication. Aquarius rules shocking, the bizarre, the unpredictable. 2018 Aquarius Dragon stimulated 3rd house of mind that lead to shocking people by his behavior and unexpected changes in his life.
Jupiter 29Sco04 (12) (subconscious) Jupiter rule philosophy the codification of thoughts (books/bible) in investigate sign of Scorpio. He was epidemiologist or “disease detectives”, are asked to investigate the cause of disease and control its spread. He studied and investigate patterns and causes of disease and injury in humans. In this case, subconscious suicidal lead his frustrated understand the truth of philosophy or bible.
Saturn 02Sco06 (12) (subconscious) Saturn (fear principle) in 12th house of subconscious stimulated his subconscious fears to taking concrete steps toward the unknown or imagining a life of authority, status, and reputation something is not happened after didn’t get promotion he want before he gone.
Uranus 06Sag21 (1) (self) Uranus (original) in 1st house of self which his eccentric appearance describe unconventional / odd behavior or progressive something He enjoy shocking people by what he say or do. Sagittarius strive for philosophy or teaching others.
Neptune 26Sag51 (1) (self) Neptune (deceptive/intuitive/idealistic) in Sagittarius (religion/ politics/philosophy) He was blinded by his ideals he can’t see reality is a serious challenge to him.
Pluto 29Lib00 (11) Pluto (power) in 11th house of friend/wishes. Passionately involved investigate the cause of disease or obsessed with death and work closely with state and local officials.. Attempting to control groups and organizations with co-workers.
MNNode 04Can25 (8) The 8th house is ruled by the Pluto (investigate power) and the sign of Scorpio. A deep understanding of life and death or “disease detectives”.
MSNode 04Cap25 (2) (self-esteem/money) Negative Tail of Dragon in Capricorn (career/ status/ reputation) feeling jealous of others’ career success through the heights and depths of success and failure or He had a problem/trouble with government under the Department of Health and Human Services related to policy issues or state budgets.
BlackMoon 20Cap25 (2) (self-esteem/money) He was cold and calculating and created problems for others based on his superior level that he does not need anyone’s help or support. Missing CDC employee didn’t get the promotion he wanted before he vanished: Police