‘Serial killer’ Neal Falls – Using Astroforensics At Work

‘Serial killer’ Neal Falls shot dead by prostitute

Police believe that a man killed last week by a sex worker in Charleston, West Virginia, may have been a serial killer. The man, identified as 45-year-old Neal Falls, was killed by a woman he met in the escort section of Backpage.com, according to NBC News. 

DNA experts at the West Virginia State Police forensic laboratory are in the preliminary stages of analyzing evidence that could link a man killed in Charleston, West Virginia to a series of murders across the country.

Indeed, Significance, purpose, or value in the stars above the heaven that religious and science don’t teach you about the soul of cosmos. Analyzing the evidence rationally using the five limited human senses mean ignoring the significance, purpose, or value in the secret of the stars and even don’t know themselves too. How can they work with physical complexity at work without check their spirit first? That’s a serious problem with psychical welfare where it’s missing in a general education. West Virginia State Police forensic laboratory need to come back to the spirit to uncover the answer of the human mind connection to the Universal mind.

Lemons says the lab is in the process of working on Falls’ DNA, but couldn’t give a timeframe on when the results would be finished. Typically, it takes a week for experts to process DNA, but Lemons says they are backlogged with other cases by several months.

Take a week to process DNA?!, but Unique Celestial Identity will take less 5 minutes to recognize the sins and virtues through the stars! It has resulted in billions in wasted tax dollars!

The most common DNA samples the lab processes are from hair, blood and saliva. Once the DNA has been processed, the lab will submit the results to CODIS, a national DNA database containing 14 million profiles on a national level, Lemons said.

First You must be realized You are a child of universe there is reason to be which it meaning you are more than blood, flesh and bones, you’re received the cosmic spiritual identifies above the Super-conscious in time and space. It’s time for Police forensic science to exit the codification of thoughts and start thinking outside of the box and challenge themselves. DNA is physical complexity where it’s so tiny to go through the telescope.

The West Virginia database alone contains about 25,000 DNA samples from convicted criminals, Lemons said. Once DNA is submitted to CODIS, Lemons said analysts will know almost immediately if there is a match. If the lab finds Falls is somehow connected to crime scenes in Nevada and Ohio, Lemons says they will notify all involved investigators.

There is no connection whatsoever to crime scenes at work. Indeed, The science of Astroforensics will know almost immediately if there is a match is based on the full date of birth and shares the same unlucky/negative Dragon placement. If found in Falls is somehow connected to crime scenes and it can applied in the future of criminal minds.



Sun     01Lib16 (2) fall (money/possession) His soul purpose of a Libra is to aim for mental / emotional balance, establish a sense of balance in all area of life, justice and harmony. This 2nd house of money and possession where it must with deal with contacts and investigates another’s resources and money that lead to using and/or abusing others.

Moon 13Pis32 (7) (partners/open enemies) Like Paul Jennings Hills (killer/abortion activist) was born with the Moon in Pisces, this show the strong moral religious code lead him to horrible acts of killing. Pisces rules hospital, mental institution, asylums, church and prisons due to lack of regeneration his spiritual. This 7th house rules open enemies / opponents / others which it lead to his position facing the public as act of deception.

Mercury 11Lib14 (2) (money/possession) Mercury rules the mind and critical thinking  in 2nd house of money / possession / personal belongings which it used the machete, axes, knives, a shovel, a sledgehammer, bleach, plastic trash bags, bulletproof vests, four sets of handcuffs. Mercury rules communication and transportation and he used knifes, guns and his car to kill people through all the woman were escorts, most of whom adversities online. Mercury (critical thinking) is located in Libra (marriage/partners) and added to his need for appreciation and respect but negative note, Libra is demanding, controlling and bossy. Need approval from others which it’s obvious reason he seem frustrated in the past that’s how he got a lot of escort services.

Venus 01Vir39 (1) fall Venus rules love and beauty but the judgment, Virgo cynical, perfectionist attitude toward to all the women as prostitutes as low class. He was reserved loner and insecure. In fact, Virgo is most discriminating sign than all zodiac signs. He don’t like people who habits he dislike, and only appreciate someone who is punctual. He’s not very romantic and doesn’t take a lot of please them.

Mars   02Cap00 (5) exalted Mars (The Lord of War) rules weaponry and aggressive in 5th house of love and speculation while Capricorn is very cold and very dictatorial. This is placement is a sure steadiness and planning power of Capricorn with weaponry and aggressive toward to all the women.

Jupiter 13Lib05 (2) (money/possession) Jupiter’s protection and expansion has worked for travel to foreign land and have a strong sense of justice with others (prostitutes).

Saturn   07Tau56 (9) (higher learning/foreigner) Neal Falls was born with Saturn (fear/politics) in Taurus (insecurity complex). Fear of never having money, food etc. This house of religion and education lead him to fear of foreigners and traveling which it has some trouble with unconditional love (Venus) to meet women.

Uranus 04Lib12 (2) (money/possession) Uranus rules technology and computer is found in Neal’s 2nd house of money and self-esteem, thus for him to be everywhere and being “shocking/eccentric” attacking the weapon against the women.   

Neptune 26Sco33 (3) (mind) Neptune is religious and deceptive in the 3rd house of critical thinking where he can sex with all the women and kill them too. Scorpio rules death, drama and sex.            

Pluto   25Vir10 (1) Pluto rules power and passion. Puritanical Virgo (cleansing / perfectionist) did the terrible job to act as a cleaner, a justice bringer and a sacrificed warrior.

Ascendant      02Cap53 (1) cold/calculated/planning politically/manipulated      

Midheaven     03Lib26 (10) sense of justice / psychology / law / non consciously

MNNode        20Pis30 (7) Partnership/facing the world – dreamer / illusive / deceptive

MSNode         20Vir30 (1) He share the same dragon Pisces/Virgo with Jared Lee Laugher, Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer and many other serial killers that loaded with religious endeavors where he (she) was forced into a belief system that perceived prostitutes as evil. Puritanical / critical / religious / cleaning as act of a nun – past lives pull his dragon action toward to all the woman.

BlackMoon    21Can40 (11) He had many enemies, family secrets, abandoned children, suffering woman, dying a childbirth and problematic child

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